Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Movies for a good cause

The kids were feeling lazy and tired this afternoon and wanted to watch a movie. Generally speaking - this is not normal & they all know it. So Jacob came up with this "business plan" which was hard to resist when he presented it to me. All the money that was raised will be given to their mission class to buy Bible story books for an orphanage in Mexico. With that in mind, this afternoon they will be watching National Treasure. Galaxy Quest, a 4 star funny movie according to this review, was not an option after I reviewed it. Also benefiting will be the 7 kids in Mexico who will be reading about how Jesus loves them out of their own book.

But then - in a cruel twist of fate, after the tickets were sold and while the popcorn was being popped, the "man with the plan" got comfy to wait for the others and promptly fell sound asleep.

Not even the aroma of a bowl of popcorn under his nose made him stir.

Wonder if he'll want a refund?