Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Can you tell I really don't like the chore?

You know - the one I blogged about doing hours ago. The tubs are sitting untouched. School is done though and I have blogged more this morning than in a normal week. I must go do it. But first, I will share this reason why we homeschool.

This is a picture of Jacob, wearing his pajamas, all snuggled down in his "seat" at the ol' Comfy Couch Academy. He started reading a book called Twenty and Ten this morning, a true story about refugee children hiding during the German occupation of France during WW2. He was supposed to read one chapter. Instead, he read the entire book. He laid there for hours reading.

I loved reading when I was a child and I clearly remember how I felt when reading time was over and we had to put our books away. It didn't matter if we were at the end of a chapter even. Your time was DONE - and so were you. Here at the CCA, the kids can read till they are done. They still have their other work to do, but they can also read to their heart's content.

Speaking of "other work", I am really going to go do these clothes now.