Monday, March 27, 2006

Mish mash

An appropriately titled post when there is a whole lot going on around here, but nothing of interest to most people. Andi and Big Guy went to Pappaw and Nana's for the weekend and came back with a wonderful surprise for me. After reading my blog post about her beautiful quilts, Nana sent me another quilt. This is one that I loved when I saw it a few weeks ago. It is not one she made, but one she bought at an auction. It is over 75 years old and it is long and narrow. Anyway, it is just perfect for wrapping up in to watch TV. It looks like it has been washed many, many times and reminds me of the ones my grandma used to cover me in when I would spend the night with her -- soft all over. The note that came with it said for me to do just that and remember how much they love me. So as I sat and watched TV, while munching on the homemade oatmeal rasin cookies that were sent too, I did just that. I am soooo spoiled. PS (I added a picture after Julie asked for one - she's not blind.)

I hope to be done with the bedroom by this weekend. The kids hope I am done with the bedroom by this weekend. Bill certainly hopes I am done with the bedroom by this weekend since our clothes are in plastic tubs throughout the house and he has been sleeping in Jacob's twin bed while I work during the day. His foot looks so cute hanging off the end of that little bed.

The kids have done their school work in the bedroom, the garage, the car and once at Lowes this past week. Just a spelling test - easy enough to do as you walk along the aisles or wait for paint to be mixed.

Still, it will be nice to get back to "normal." I had planned on posting a picture to go with Randi's challenge of "Let's Get Real Monday -- but no time right now for fun and games. We were to post pictures of ourselves from high school. I am always telling people my hair has been cut like it is now since jr. high and I think they believe I am kidding. I am not. So when I am done with the bedroom, I am having a belated Monday challenge and finding those pictures and I will prove my point.

That point being - it's time for a new haircut. Something that requires no hair gel, paste, mousse, wax, pomade, gloss, polish, glue, spray or any other styling products. No blow dryer, no curling iron, no perm, no straightener and lastly, no shaving of the head. I'm open to suggestions.