Strawberry Delight
I decided to go with a little fluff since my last two posts were anything but, so without further ado, I present a recipe compliments of Sandy. I would love to direct you to Sandy's blog, except she had the nerve to quit blogging, all because she was raising 4 boys, including young twins, and went back to work full time as an ER nurse. Man, some people. Anyway, here is Sandy's recipe, which everyone around here loved.Bill brought back a flat of fresh strawberries from Florida this week and I got this recipe in an exchange a few days later. I made this pie for Bill and he loved it. The crust - which was a store bought graham cracker crust suffered a severe injury when Jacob got his hands on it. I was going to make a new one with my own graham crackers, so I had the kids get out the graham crackers. By the time I got around to making it though, they had pretty well demolished the crackers I was going to use, so Bill just got an ugly crust pie. It didn't affect the taste of the pie and they enjoyed their snack so all's well that ends well. My strawberries were already in sugar water, so I just drained them and used them anyway.
Strawberry Delight
1 package (8 oz. size) softened cream cheese
1 1/2 cup powdered sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 tub (8 oz. size) whipped topping
1 pre made graham cracker crust
2 quarts fresh sliced strawberries
red food coloring
cut 1/2 of strawberries in very small pieces. Slice remaining. Set aside
Beat softened cream cheese and powdered sugar. Add vanilla. Fold in whipped topping & strawberry pieces. Add drops of red food coloring until a pretty pink!
Pour mixture into crust. Decorate top w/ sliced strawberries!
Chill in refrigerator for 1-2 hours before serving.