Saturday, December 03, 2005

Romper Stomper Bomper Boo

Tell me, tell me, tell me do.
Have all my friends had fun today?
Have all my friends had fun at play?

And with that familiar phrase, the hostess behind the Magic Mirror would look out into TV land and see all the kids at home watching Romper Room. My name was never called (is it any wonder?), but every day I watched. I always wanted to be a Do-Bee, never a Don't Bee. I watched, empty handed as the lucky kids said their prayers and then using their good manners, got their own cartons of milk and their napkin with cookies before story time.

Why am I thinking about this show from my past? Because it always surprises me the people who let me know they read my blog, but have never commented in the comment section.

So guys, I'm taking out my magic mirror and through it I see -- Marla and Kim and Cheryl. I see Susan and Sonya and Soulfood Jacob. I see Larry and Heidi unpacking in their new home. I see Melissa and Tina and Becky. I see Carla and Brenda and Linda and Barbara. And I see you too.

So come back tomorrow -- same channel.