Friday, December 16, 2005

Potato Candy Recipe

Peel one medium size baked potato (can be microwaved) and mash it with a fork or a masher in a medium bowl. Start adding powdered sugar to the potato and keep mashing. Soon you will have what looks like can only be described as slime and you think you must have done something wrong. You haven't. Keep adding the sugar and mashing until you are quite certain your arm is sure to break off - somewhere between one and 2 pounds of powdered sugar.

Once you have a ball of "dough" that can be rolled out, then get with the rolling out. I like to plop out about 12 ping pong size blobs on to a large rectangle on waxed paper. Cover with more waxed paper. Start rolling. Keep rolling. Roll some more. Thinner is better. Slather with peanut butter. I like a LOT of peanut butter. Roll up like a jelly roll. Wrap in waxed paper and refrigerate. Slice and enjoy.