Sunday, December 25, 2005

Now this is the way to start the day.......

Well, not this part. Wes woke me at 5 to tell me that Santa had come. I was up till about 1 looking for the elusive present, which I can only assume is under the tree........somewhere. So I finally just took one from under the tree and used that instead. Now if the intended gift is NOT under the tree, then we will be having a hunt by everyone today - not just the kids!

But back to the morning. I went back to sleep - only to be woke up again at 7 by Wes and Jacob. This time though, they were carrying the newspaper, orange juice and my breakfast, made by my wonderful husband. I'm not sure I've ever had breakfast in bed unless I was sick. Hope your day started off as nice. Gotta go get ready for church.

Happy Birthday to my brother, Chris and Happy Birthday to the one we celebrate today - Jesus Christ.