Monday, December 05, 2005

Duke - you either love 'em or ya don't.

And I do. But my friend, Lea, who has the wonderful luck of living 30 minutes from Durham but the unfortunate luck of having children attend N.C. State wrote this in her blog about Duke (7-0) today after they made a 40 foot shot in the last second of a game last night to win......yet again.
..........while watching a Duke Game... ( perri.. are you still alive???)

so... be careful driving in winter weather...enjoy times with friends and families... cheer for any team playing against Duke... and have a fine day... all day long...

Now, I ask you -- why would somebody write such blasphemy when they could write something wonderfully nice like Peggy wrote today in her blog letter to Santa.......

My friend Perri in Indiana is a big Duke Blue Devils basketball fan so if you could swing a couple of center court seats for her and hubby along with airline tickets (they can stay at my house that weekend) she would love you for life!

You bet I would Peggy. And THANKS for the thought. Center court no less. Talk about heaven on earth. And Lea, I'll be having words with you later. In the meantime, all I have to say is GOOOOO DUKE!
Edited to answer Mary's quetsion: Why do I love Duke? She hit the nail on the head in the comments when she said she loved them mainly because of Coach K. He treats his players with respect, you never see him throw a chair across a basketball floor. He turned down an offer a couple of years ago from the NBA for 45 MILLION dollars to stay and coach at Duke. He is a great coach. He has been selected to coach the 2006 Olympic team. Mary, I am adding this picture for you - it is on my screensaver slide show of great Duke players.