Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Christmas cards & letters

I don't remember exactly when I quit sending Christmas cards. It was about 3 or 4 years ago. At some point I came to the glaring conclusion that just about everyone of the hundred plus cards I was mailing out was someone that I see all the time. And so it got to where it seemed rather silly for me to spend a lot of money on cards and postage to say Merry Christmas to people I see 2 or 3 times a week. So I just quit sending them to people who live in town. I have to admit, sometimes it's a bit awkward at church because people just hand you a card - no going to the mailbox to get it. But I have adjusted and I just smile and tell the giver thank you. I have put the money I would have spent on giving a card to people I see all the time to better use. This year our card money was spent buying clothes and a toy for a child in a Mexican orphanage. I feel that is a lot better use of our money.

I do, however, send out a Christmas letter. I have a short list. This year I sent it to 5 people. Four of these people are friends I have known at least 35 years but I might not get to see them as often as I would like. The other is my former minister and his wife. Very good friends of ours. Two of ladies on my list are in their 60's and 70's. They were friends of my parents when I was growing up - but we still keep in touch.

I got a Christmas letter yesterday from my one of my out of town friends yesterday. Teresa sent a wonderful letter about her family and she wrapped it up like this:

Our prayer for our family and yours this year is that we all grow closer in our relationship with Christ Jesus. Jeremiah 33:3 says: "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things that you do not know." If anyone reading this letter does not know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, and you would like to...Neal and I would be happy to tell you how you can be sure your eternal home in heaven. We love you all!!!"

Teresa's letter is great. I hope she gets some response from it. What better gift to give someone than to lead them to Jesus Christ. So taking a cue from Teresa, I wish for you happiness, a peaceful Christmas and that you know Jesus Christ as your savior. And if you don't, but would like to just let me know.