Thursday, December 01, 2005

Bring back Lowes!

I happened to mention to Andi the other day that I had received an e-mail from the American Family Association - listing all the retailers who refuse to use the word Christmas in their advertising - or allow their employees to wish anyone a Merry Christmas. Happy Holidays now seems to be the norm and it is, in my opinion, blatant discrimination against Christians.

Speaking of discrimination (because I decided to and it is my blog after all so I can write what I want) - if the government wants to remove God from everything - our money, our buildings, our schools, why do government employees get Christmas day off from work if it falls on a weekday? Why is Good Friday a government holiday? Why do they want a paid holiday based on God but then not have God around for anything else? Why not treat these days the same as October 4th and work?

But I digress. Lowes - one of my favorite places to spend a Thursday morning was on the AFA hit list. Their ad actually used the phrase Holiday Trees. So if you are needing a new green pre-lit cone shaped, artificial tree for Labor Day or St. Patrick's Day, I suggest you rush right out to get one, because, it's just a hunch, but I'm betting the Holiday Trees will be gone come January.

Still getting to the point of this whole post. And here it is. Andi told me I was no longer allowed to go to Lowes. Since I am counting on her taking care of me in my old age, I do not intend to tick her off now. So I agreed to go to the "other place" -- Home Depot. And the kids and I did go there the other day before the play. Spent over an hour in just one aisle. I wanted to buy my dad a variety of screws and nails for part of his Christmas gift (to go along with his boring shirts). We are forever looking for stuff when we are trying to get a project going and for the sake of my blood pressure, I wanted HIM to be more organized. And although we always enjoy ourselves no matter if we get any work done at all, it would be nice to be able to find what we need. So that was my goal when I set out. While shopping there, I found these great little do-dads for holding the variety of screws, nuts, bolts, nails, etc. that I picked up for him. I brought them home, found a board, mounted them all and proceeded to fill them with my bounty. The joy I feel knows no bounds, secure in the knowledge that from now on - work days are going to be so much more productive.

So ladies, if you are looking for a cool gift idea for somebody, check these out. I'm going to add some clamp in tool holders on the right end, some hooks along the bottom and it will be the best gift ever. And if just the sheer knowledge that these individually mounted tubes can

be slid off to carry to a project wasn't enough to make you wet your pants (as if we needed a reason at our age), then check out this great feature: It just doesn't get any better than this for the workman in your life. All you have to do is squeeze the end cap and just shake out a few
items at a time. Handy dandy, I'm here to tell you. Everyone who has seen this gift who has tried to help out on a project at Pappaw's is sharing in my joy. I have also been accused of buying this for me and storing it at dad's.
The high fives are flowing freely around here. We are practically giddy with excitement.We are also easily amused.

And at last, we have arrived at the ultimate original point of this entry. I received this email today from the AFA updating the entire "take back Christmas blitz". It said in part......Dear Perri,
Because of your efforts (I'm betting it wasn't me alone), Walgreens has released the following response: "Next year, you can be assured our advertising will better incorporate 'Christmas,' and our holiday trees will be called Christmas trees. Unfortunately, all of this yearÂ’s December ads are already printed, so it's too late to make changes for this season."

In addition, Lowe's has released a statement saying they now refer to all trees as "Christmas Trees" and have removed all signs that previously calling them "Holiday Trees.""

So although my short exile resulted in a most awesome gift for dad, I am so glad to be going "home" to Lowes.