Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Thank you.......... you know who I am talking to~~

those great moms who bought the Reeses cups and Milk Duds for your little trick or treaters. Thanks. You're the best.

All this candy makes me think that dentists must love Halloween. I wonder what they hand out at their house. Then thinking of dentists made me think of toothbrushing. I sometimes take a lot of kidding because personally I am almost fanatical about tooth brushing. I think my obsession came from having braces and not ever wanting food caught in them, so I brushed constantly.

Now I think I must have passed this one to my kids. I'm not sure how many times a day they brush their teeth, but I am going with "above average." Either that -- or they are the most incredibly sloppy, wasteful tooth brushers ever born.

How have I come to this conclusion you may wonder? Well, in September last year I was at the Dollar Store with my aunt and there was an great sale on toothpaste. Full size tubes of Aim and Pepsodent. 3 tubes for 2 bucks. I bought 32 packages ~~ of 3 tubes each. 96 tubes of toothpaste last September in our closet. I just went to get a new tube for our bathroom and now there are 15 tubes of toothpaste. Now I know I got rid of 21 tubes at Christmas when we did nursing home baskets but that still leaves 60 tubes of toothpaste that we have used in the last 13 months. That equals 4.6 tubes of toothpaste per month ~~ or slightly over one tube every week. I don't know if this is normal or not but to me, that seems like quite a bit of toothpaste.

Between the toothpaste and the tooth fairy, a person could go broke around here.