Thursday, November 03, 2005

Permanent record?

Sandy was lamenting on her blog how her stupid teenage mentality has come to haunt her now that she is 34. Something she did half a lifetime ago - that is on her "permanent record." The dreaded words.

Yesterday, we went to drop off the movie, The Music Man, before the video store opened. We had watched it as part of our KONOS study of sound. It was a good family video and Jacob was able to tell the others when it was about to end because "there is a kiss - so it's almost over." Smart kid ---- sometimes.

When we went to the video store, Jacob was reading a library book and I told him to get out and put the movie through the slot. He hops out, walks 5 feet and neatly deposits his library book through the slot of the locked store.

The look on his face was priceless as he turned around after realizing what he had done and said with dispair, "OH NO ~~ what if this goes on my permanent record?!?"