Saturday, November 12, 2005

Crazy week

There has been much going on around town. The kindness and generosity of a small town is overwhelming. People pouring in from other parts of the country to help remove trees, clear fields or walk for miles to recover photos and personal mementos is amazing. Victims funerals are taking place every day.

Sad and amazing stories keep surfacing. Today there was a story in the paper of a woman who happened to see her ex-husband driving down the street last Friday. It was the first time she had seen him in 5 years. She actually turned her car around and tracked him down. After talking and coming to some agreements, she sent their kids to spend the night with him Saturday night. For the first time -- in five years. The mother died from her injuries she received in the tornado - but the kids weren't there.

Hardly anyone I know has not been affected by this tornado. I know there are some people who flippantly say, "life goes on." And yes, it does. Just not for some people. And for those they leave behind - right now - it doesn't seem fair that it does.