Thursday, October 13, 2005

Peanut butter biscuits

Well, in our continued quest to teach Attentiveness, the kids (minus Ryan who was undergoing Behavior Modification) made biscuits from scratch. They read the directions and did the entire thing by themselves. My only part was explaining things they might not know - such as "make a well" in the dough. They accurately measured. Their dough was great looking, they rolled it out neatly, cut the biscuit out and then Jacob told me they needed a pan "with no sides" per the instructions. I told him I didn't have a pan like that, he would have to use a regular cookie sheet. So he got it out and then he looked at me and said "why don't we turn it upside down and use it - then it wont' have any sides?" I just stared at him, because it was a genius idea - so simple but I never would have thought of it. So he then just stared back and me and asked with a big grin, "are you looking at me because I'm brilliant?" Why - yes indeed I was. So that is just what we did. Now I would love to tell you that the biscuits were succulent, but in fact they were nasty gross tasting. But not from anything they did wrong. So they went into the trash -- the biscuits, not the kids. But the experience was fun and we are all looking forward to our next attempt at homemade goodness.