Sunday, October 02, 2005

Home again ......Briefly

Well, we got home last night and I had to come face to face with the fact that although my Christmas shopping is done and wrapped, I had not bought Carly's birthday gifts. And Carly's birthday was today. The only thing I had bought her was a little blue jean purse. So I got up early today before church and went to Wal Mart with Jacob. Carly ended up having a great birthday. She loved all her gifts and Andi and I were able to scounge enough stuff around the house that Carly felt like quite the little grownup by the time we had stuffed her purse with our finds. It's hard to believe that she hasn't been my daughter her whole life. It seems like she has always been here - but I know that she hasn't even been here half of her life.

At church this evening we had a fun service. Different members of our church gave a concert - dressed as and singing songs by Elvis, Jerry Lee Lewis, Tom Jones and several others. Big Guy was Neil Diamond. I saw things from my son in law that I have not seen in 6 years. It was great. The crowd was loving him. I was just cracking up. Our pastor sang Elvis and after his first song, Carly walked up to the stage (unplanned and unknown to him) and said, "excuse me, Elvis, but can I have your autograph?" Everybody just busted out laughing because he was just about speechless. Then he bent down to sign the autograph and told Carly to tell her mother that this was going to cost her 20 bucks -- or her sister, whoever put her up to it. It was me - but Andi wholeheartedly approved.

All in all, we had a great day. Headed back over to dad's for a few days this week. Not sure when we are leaving yet. If Jacob has his way, probably not for a few days. I got this email from him last night:

I Love home


Love, Jacob

Gotta love the indirect approach.