Monday, October 10, 2005

Andi pointed out to me the other day that I was slacking.....

because the kids couldn't sing Row, Row, Row Your Boat in rounds. So as we shoveled sand and gravel last week, we worked on that little ditty. Andi will be glad to know that with a LOT of patient parental guidance and a LOT of practice, both while we worked and while we laid in the grass looking up at the clouds during our breaks, I have now accomplished the seemingly unattainable goal with the kiddos. Row, Row, Row Your Boat in 4 parts can be heard 7 days a week at our house.

And Jesus Loves Me - in rounds.

And I'm a Little Tea Pot - in rounds.
And John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmitt - in rounds (and that is a tricky one!)

So move on Andi - what's our next trick to learn?