Thursday, September 01, 2005

Lord, thank you

O mighty Lord, today I want to thank you that

as I leave my house, which is not flooded and

walk out to my garage, which is still there

and I get into my van which has not floated away, and

drive into town, which has not been devastated, to

buy food for my husband's lunch box so he can go to work, at a job he still has

and I pass the funeral home, where my family is not waiting to be buried,

or worse, as I pass the police station, where I don't have to fill out a missing person report for my relatives,

and head to the gas pumps.......

Thank you so much God that even though I am paying over a dollar a gallon more for gas today than I did last week - I can. There is gas to buy here.

I have a car to put it in, a home to drive it to, safe streets to get home on, a husband who has a job to go to, my family is safe and our life is normal when so many thousands of others won't have a normal life for a very, very long time.

I am blessed beyond measure.