Sunday, August 07, 2005

And the stitches just keep on coming

Well, today was a great day at church. After service, we had a quick lunch and then began our Back to School outreach. We give away school supplies to the community. This year we were able to give school supplies to over 320 kids and haircuts to almost a hundred. That part of the day was great. About halfway through it, I got a phone call that Ryan had bit his lip, it bled briefly and then stopped. He was fine, not crying and back swimming. Well, OK, then - thanks for the call.

When I go to pick up the kids I quickly realize that in a more realistic conversation someone would have said that Ryan fell, and totally bit through his lip. His lip was not connected to itself - if that makes sense. It was just a big slash. So, I leave the other kids there for Bill to pick up and head off to the ER with Ryan - where they know me by name and that is not necessarily a good thing. 8 numbing shots into his gum, lip and face and not a tear from him. He is one tough kid. He had 5 stitches to reconnect his lip, and a popsicle to go. He is sitting over at the bar eating a bowl of noodles and drinking a peanut butter milkshake. Then he wants a piece of candy for not crying. No doubt he will get it.

I have mentioned that life is sometimes chaotic around here - right?