Friday, July 15, 2005

Truly I'm not a fanatic - but these made me happy

The kids were given some gifts two days ago by my friend Vicki. These gifts were for being so good laying around watching movies all day while she and I slaved away stripping wallpaper and painting in her bedroom and bathroom. I think they got the better end of this deal. Anyhoo - this morning the kids wrote their thank you notes - with no prompting and no help with spelling. Carly's says "Vicki thank you for the dolls. they are perfect in my room. love Carly". I took a picture of Jacob's note because he drew a great likeness of the bear on his and I thought that was great. His paper says "thanks for the bear i love it its name is dad! thanks a lot :~) xoxoxo love jacob.

We will take these over to Vicki today. Vicki just recently had a book published too.

The Adventures of Baxter B. Ballyhoo! by Alvey, Vicki

About this title: Baxter B. Ballyhoo is a very high-spirited little boy who has been nicknamed "the terror of the second grade" with good reason. In Baxter's first adventure, find out how Baxter copes with a fear that he has kept hidden from his classmates -- until now! The second adventure involves a secret and has an ending that will surprise you. In Baxter's third adventure the whole second grade takes a field trip to the fire station. That means that Baxter is on the loose! This site charges a lot for s/h - so if you want one, let me know and I will get you one for a flat rate of 10 bucks.

I've read this book - and if you buy it - you won't be disappointed. It has 3 stories that will help teach your children good values and morals.