Thursday, July 28, 2005

Modge podge

First - I deleted the picture of the woman on the beach that HAD been in the previous post, because after Novaks8 suggested she might be a burn victim - instead of a sunburn victim, I felt horrible. My apologies to this faceless, un-named woman. I know someone could take my picture and post it as a warning against Mt. Dew and fast food. I think skin cancer is just close to my mind right now. One of the grandmas in our family is currently undergoing treatment for skin cancer and a very dear friend is scheduled for a biopsy on her lymph nodes on Monday to see if the skin cancer they just removed has spread anywhere in her body. Both of these ladies were fans of a tan, so my advice stands - Stay OUT of tanning beds and wear sunscreen. And please keep them in your prayers.

Headed out to go to church camp this morning. Just me. It's a youth camp though, so I do not qualify to go as a camper. I am going as a kitchen helper. Some cooking, some serving, lots of cleaning required. I am very fortunate to be taking my camper though. The kids and chaperones will be sleeping in un-airconditioned bunk houses. Amy, the other kitchen helper and myself - we will be sleeping in a nice cool camper. Thanks, Bill.

The other helper, Vicki, had to back out at the last minute as her dad is having to have heart surgery Friday. She has already lost her mom this year - her step-mom is facing heart surgery in the next week and now this. Things are looking bleak. Something else to pray about and if you don't mind - pop over there and just leave her a comment that you are going to pray for them. It would mean a lot to her. Lots for her to deal with right now.

Actually looking forward to to going to camp though. With all the awesome things going on in our church right now God will surely make His presence known at camp.