Thursday, July 21, 2005

A lot can change in 15 years

I know I used to be able to do this - getting up early in the morning and getting to Evansville in a timely fashion. I had a 1st grader and a Kindergartener. I would wake them, feed them, have them get dressed and ready for school, gather their school stuff, and take them to a sitter before driving to work 45 minutes away. When I arrived at my job I would be sitting at my desk, having showered, washed my long hair, dried it, hot rolled it and be wearing dress clothes, heels, and makeup - ready to greet clients at 8 am.

Fast forward 15 years --

Science camp is in the exact same building I used to work in - the office right next door. In fact my old boss took me and the kids out to lunch yesterday - it was great to catch up with him. He was the attorney who helped with our adoptions, so the kids are always happy to see people who helped 'dop them.

Anyway, now I live 20 minutes closer to this building. I don't have to be there till 9 and have not made it before 8:59...and a half. Short hair sopping wet, wearing shorts and a tee shirt and sporting flip flops. As for makeup -

I actually went to a Mary Kay party last week. A glamour one no less. To know my lifestyle you could truly appreciate the humor in that. But my friend had to have 3 bodies there to in order for her to recieve her her order at half price and I am nothing if not a body - so there I was. Looking glamorous on a Tuesday afternoon. In my defense for NOT buying make-up I took the Mary Kay kit I purchased when Zac was a freshman - 6 years ago. His teacher's wife was just starting to sell it. Zac was in a private school and this was his only teacher - solely responsible for doling out his grades. Being the mom of the reluctant student - I went to the Mary Kay party and purchased practically the entire line of products. (Zac did great on his grades) However, did I use the full line of products? Of course not. When I went to the party last week, I opened my kit. You know the one - blush, lipstick, 3 eyeshadows. Well, my lipstick was in perfect form and you could still see the MK logo imprinted on 2 of the eyeshadows. I actually gave those away at the party. I do occasionally use the blush. So although the consultant was not impressed with my order of a stick of lip balm, I think she knew she was trying to sell to a lost cause.

And save your comments if you are going to tell me how much better I will feel if I wear make-up every day. I won't - and your comment will just be deleted.