Tuesday, June 28, 2005

TV or Not TV...that is the question

I was inspired by Tee's ban on TV for a week (or a couple of days) to get to thinking about the amount of TV we watch. Without a doubt, it's way too much. I used to keep a closer eye on it, but then I got a new TV for Christmas, and I just put my old one in the playroom. So they are watching it more since it is right there.

So today, by declaration of the MOM, TV is no more. While at home, there is to be no TV unless it was a movie Bill or I give them to watch or an educational show we tell them they can watch. I don't want to explain condom ads, medicines for erectile dysfunction and all that junk that is coming on now.

We have a closet full of games they can play, puzzles to work, computer games they can do and lots of other options to occupy their time besides Cartoon Network.

I'm sure you will be able to hear the moans in the coming days as they realize I am serious. Someone suggested this idea and I might use it. In order to "earn" a half hour of TV, they have to first READ for a half hour. Oh the stuff they could learn then.

So - any ideas on great family movies are welcome here.