Wednesday, June 15, 2005

There are times that I wish that I wasn't so spoiled...

Yep, you read that right. My husband is a wonderful provider. A make your dreams come true kind of guy. But that has its down side. Trust me. It takes all the fun out of shopping with him. Take for example a few weeks ago. We were in the jewelry store because I was getting my wedding ring cleaned. I casually mentioned that they had some pretty crosses. This comment immediately brought about a barrage of "which one do you like? Which one would you wear? What one can I buy for you?" NONE OF THEM. I just wanted to make a statement. It is that way with absolutely everything.

Saturday night I was going to put my heating pad on my back but alas, it had bit the dust. Right then, he was going to go to Wal-Mart to get me a new one. It was all I could do to convince him I was just fine without it. The next day after church - before lunch even, he is off to Wal-Mart to replace it for me. I didn't ask him to. I had forgotten all about it. But he hadn't. Still, when we are shopping or if something is on TV I can not just say "that's pretty" or "I think that is neat" or "man, that would be handy to have" - because the next thing I know he is up and gone. Usually the same day to buy it. It drives me crazy. Not to mention limits what I can talk to him about.

Bill is a good guy. We live well with only a mortgage to pay in a very nice house. We drive newer model paid for vehicles. He fishes from a great paid for boat and I camp in a spacious paid for travel trailer he bought me last year as an anniversary gift. But sometimes it would be nice to dream out loud.

All that to say this. I am tired. To the bone tired. Dog butt tired. I have been working a lot lately - with my dad and at church on a huge remodeling project. All while keeping the house going and meals cooked, kids clean, etc. I'm more of a sedimentary gal. This is putting a cramp in my style -- and my back.

So when I came in a few minutes ago after helping my dad cut and haul trees today, work on Nana's car, fix dinner for the 20 or so workers at church and deliver it - work at church for 4 hours this evening I would have liked to have come home and say, "Oh, what I wouldn't give if we owned a hot tub along about now."

But I didn't dare.

6/18/05 - 12:35 am. Just got in from working on the church remodeling job. After helping my dad today for 6 hours, I drove the 60 miles home, rushed the kids through the shower and went to church to work for 8 hours this evening. Sandy pointed out that I mean sedentary not sedimentary - which is what I wrote and that word means mud and the crap you find at the bottom of the barrel. BOTH words are quite accurate this week. I've never spent a week so dirty. Thanks Sandy for pointing out the error of my ways. Normally, I would be appalled. Right now - knowing I am going to start painting on Andi's house in 8 hours - I don't really care. Someday - when I am not so tired....I will care then.