Sunday, June 12, 2005

Kids and age differences

Have I ever mentioned how nice it is to have kids old enough to do some things with the little kids so that I don't have to? Take 4 wheeling for example. Not something I want to do - but they did. Enter Big Guy and Andi. They took them this weekend and everyone had a blast. Wesley, of course, did not ride. If you know Wes, this comes as no surprise. He is not the most daring soul. He enjoyed just being there and watching. Everyone went really slow - on flat terrain - wearing safety gear (all requirements of mom), but they still had fun. Then they went out for milkshakes. After that they brought home the muddy kiddos, bathed them, got them ready for bed and we settled in to watch a movie. We had spent the day helping Pappaw clear and burn trees that we had cut down last week - so the kids were grubby and tired by late afternoon. Their adventures with Andi and Big Guy revived them. It was a good day all around - productive and fun. The best kind of day.