Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Liquid Plumber and Tye Dyed Underwear

Let me assure you - these have nothing in common, except they were both purchased at Wal Mart. I was just going to share the wonder of Liquid Plumber Foam. I put this stuff in both of our tub drains today because they were draining so slow, you had to keep going back and throw cups of water in the back of the tub to wash out the sand, dirt, frogs, etc. - you moms of little boys know what I mean. So anyway, I use this stuff - pour it in, wait for an hour and now the water drains so fast it practically sucks it out of the faucet. Amazing stuff for under 3 bucks a bottle.

On to the underwear part of the post. Jacob needs new underwear - by new, I mean larger. So I go out to the handy dandy storage room in the garage and find the tub of new underwear still in the packages. I see the number 12. Grab them. Take them inside and we decide to tye dye them green. He likes for all his underwear to be one color so that the little boys don't get them. So they turn out nice enough and we wash them and dry them and as soon as we get home from church, he runs to the dryer to get them, so he can sleep in comfort. Here is where I find my mistake. The 12 happened to be the number of underwear in the package....the size was 8. Next year Wes and Ryan will have some really cool tye dyed underwear.

Tomorrow - I get to do it again - orange this time.

Underwear that's fun to wear
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