Sunday, April 10, 2005

Jacob's Birthday Gift & Baptism

Jacob with his favorite birthday gift. A treasure box with a lock from Pappaw & Nana.
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Well, give a kid a treasure box with a lock to keep out his little brothers and any other gift pales in comparison. I told Pappaw that Jacob wanted one of these several months ago and he found one at an auction. It was a Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum advertising tool. So he bought it, I brought it home and sanded the logo off, re-stained it and added some new hardware to replace some missing ones and wah-lah - the best gift of all.

Butterfly & Bug house - made by Mom & Jake
Painted by Wesley & Jake
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Yes, he liked the butterfly - bug house I made him and the cool book I found to go along with it....but it just didn't have the same pizazz. I guess you have to understand how Ryan torments Jacob about his current treasure box - which doesn't lock and got passed down to Wes to really appreciate how much he LOVES his new one. There is really no need to talk about any other gifts that he got. From the second he opened this one - in his mind, he was done and ready to go load it up.

The baptism went off without a hitch. Jacob stood and waved to everyone before he sat down and he had a look of pure joy on his face. I almost forgot to record it on the camcorder. I'm sure my hands were shaky. Even so, it is forever etched in my mind.

Then we came home and grilled out, opened Jacob's birthday gifts and had cake. Right when we were finishing, my stepmom called and said they were getting ready to take my dad into surgery. I didn't even think to ask what for - I just hung up and Andi and I took off for the hospital. He had to have some kidney stuff taken care of and when we left him this evening, he was looking much better than when we arrived. Praising God for a wonderful weekend and for taking care of my daddy.