Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Home again home again...bippety bop

Well, the weather was perfect - sunny, breezy, mid 70's, the kids were great and we all had a fun time. We hiked through the woods, built our own bridge out of stones and wood over a little stream and went for bike rides (when I say bike, for me I mean electric scooter).
Posted by Hello

Posted by Hello
I was up for homeschool mom of the year as I ran around the bathhouse catching the biggest spider I think I have ever seen in Indiana. We were able to catch butterflies using Jacob's net he got for his birthday and put them in our bug house to watch for the day. They had original names - Mr. & Mrs. In case you can't tell from those names, we listened to Junie B. Jones on this trip too. Every day I had new bouquets of dogwood branches, hyacinths and dandelions -- a perfect combination when placed in our empty apple juice jar vase. The kids spent hours pretending to save each other on the slicky slide at the playground.