Saturday, April 09, 2005

Gloria Gaynor has nothing on me - I have survived!

Well, thankfully other moms feel more pressure than I do to sign their kids up for summer baseball. This has resulted in a mass exodus this morning of boys. There are only 3 left besides my own. All in all they had a great time. They laid awake watching a Scooby Doo movie till about 11:30 and then went to sleep without any trouble. It was all worth it last night when Jacob came to me for night time prayer and thanked God for letting him have the best birthday party ever. My part is just about done. They have been fed chocolate chip muffins and chocolate milk, the mess is cleaned up, the sleeping bags rolled and tied (man, I hate those things), clothes put in their bags and the living room is back to normal. It is about time to wake Bill up and hand the crew over to him. He is taking the boys out to shoot off Jacob's rocket. That is always a big hit with the little kids. I am going to head out to the homeschool convention to check out some books. I don't really need anything, but like Sara, I can always find a reason to buy books.

While I am in town, I may or may not pick Zac up to come spend the night. That was the plan. Jacob is being baptized tomorrow, but Zac is covered in poison ivy or oak or something of that nature. On the recommendation of my friend, Beth, Zac is using a creme called Zanfel. He said it is working great on the spots that were already there - but he is still breaking out in new places. As much as I want him here - I don't want everyone here dealing with this stuff next week. My dad is also not going to be able to make it to church in the morning. He was put in the hospital yesterday with kidney stones and they said he will be there till at least Monday. That really bums me out. I wanted to just postpone the baptism, but as he pointed out - Jacob is really looking forward to it and I can videotape it for him to see. So I guess that is Plan B.

Well, off to the convention.