Monday, April 11, 2005

Book Recommendation

The first one is called The Boys Start the War - about a house full of boys who are surprised by their new neighbors - 3 girls. It is an OLD series. I don't know how old. By Phyllis Reynolds Naylor. I had to read 9 chapters to Jacob the other day and every time I quit, I got a message like the one below......
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2005 8:11 PM
Subject: the boys start the war

read me mor of the boys start the war

i love you.
So you might want to check them out. They do use words like dumb and stupid (describing "dumb boys" or "those stupid girls"), but if you can get past that, they are really funny and obviously interesting to 8 year old boys!

There is one scene where one of the girls pretends to have rabies by letting marshmallow foam up and out of her mouth. Of course we can't just read about that.....

The Rabies shot Posted by Hello

NOTE: Jacob asked for these books for his birthday. He got books 1-5. Not sure when the last time was that a child asked me for books.

ADDITIONAL NOTE - Amy said it was published in 1992, which I guess isn't old unless you are a Twinkee. I say this because when I was helping clean out the apartment of a friend's mother who died recently, we ran across some Twinkees. It is not true that Twinkees have a shelf life of forever. You could have killed someone and had an episode of CSI made about you, using these Twinkees. You could have hammered nails into concrete with these things. It was rather strange.