Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Hell is in the eye of the beholder

The kids let a stranger into our house yesterday. I was helpless to stop them. Carly runs into the bathroom to yell that there is a man at the door. By the time I get out of the shower and get a towel wrapped around me and head down the hall where I can peek around the corner to see who it is, I hear a man's voice in the entryway. Clearly in the house. Luckily it was someone I knew - but was not someone that they had ever seen in their lives. I have a conversation screamed down the hallway with him (because when I heard his voice, I started screaming, "who is in my house?" and he answered) So I knew the guy and he wanted to fill his water tank with our faucet outside to kill weeds across the street. Life in a small town. So later in the day we are reviewing our house safety rules as we went to town. I emphasized AGAIN to NOT let stranger in. My question of "what if it was a stranger and he came in and killed us?" brought about this conversation:

Jacob immediately answers: Then we would go to heaven and he would be in hell.
Ryan: He would be here?
Jacob: No, he would be in hell.
Ryan: He would come here?
Jacob: NO RYAN. HE WOULD BE IN HELL! Does this look like hell to you? (swooping his arm around the car at his family)
Ryan: (taking in the swooped scene) Sorta.

Posted May, 2005