This could be one of those "you had to be there" moments
but if it is or it isn't, I want to record it for Andi to remember so she can remind me of it when I'm old and forgetful.
Yesterday was cheap movie day and seeing as how I'm supposed to be on vacation, we decided to go to a matinee. We went to see Get Smart - hilarious movie. There were only 2 other people in the theater and I tried to talk her into us each going to sit by one of them to see what they would do, but she would have none of it. Coward.
Anyway, we ate much popcorn and tried many flavors of drinks. I discovered Cherry Pepsi is the best drink ever. I think it is perhaps better than Mt. Dew. There. I said it out loud. Now come the parts I don't want to forget..........
As we were leaving the theater, Andi heads for one set of doors and I suggest going out the doors we came in. Feeling cocky and full of Cherry Pepsi, she agrees. As she says something about who's going to stop us, I am replying, "That's right. Doors swing both ways." And I go out my door and she loudly THUNKS into hers because it doesn't open. Her side is locked. And she mutters, "Except for this one."
And at that moment, we lost it. Perhaps it was the stress of the last month, but I'm quite sure the ticket taker has never seen two women laugh longer or louder in the parking lot. He no doubt thought we were drunk or stoned. It was that kind of hysterical laughing. It was wonderful.
Oh, but it got better. We stopped by CVS to get some lotion for my dad and as I'm paying, Andi picks up a pen and pretends to write on my shirt sleeve. I really don't pay any attention until I see the clerk's face - a look of utter disbelief. I look to my right and Andi's eyes are matching hers. If you know her, she also had that lip thing going where she is trying not to laugh and they are all puckered up while her eyes are huge.
I look down and she has in fact, doodled on my shirt. As I look slowly up and meet her eyes, she burst into laughter as does the clerk. The clerk offers up, "You thought it was one of those fake pens." (the kind for the debit machines) and Andi was just doubled over, shaking her head yes, laughing so hard she couldn't say anything.
I quietly pay for my stuff, tell the clerk I'll take my lotion and ignorant daughter and get out of there now and we left her, face down on the counter, laughing at us.
All in all - an awesome afternoon.