Saturday, May 07, 2016

Update on Carly

Great news just in time for Mother's Day.  The genetic testing Carly had done at the facility she is currently in will show if your body metabolizes the medicaine you take.  Her testing showed two things that will be extremely helpful in helping Calry feel better. The staff said to make sure Carly had a copy of this for every doctore for the rest of her life, so they would know how to better treat her.

One was that her body did not have enough folic acid. She will be started on a supplement, which has been shown to help depression in some cases. But the second revelation will be life changing, hopefully.

The test has a graded system that is basically Green is Great - go for it. Yellow, it sorta works, but not as well as it should and Red, which is, if you are taking the medicine in this category, you might as well be drinking water.  It would do you more good than the Red medicine. 

All 3 of the anti-depressants Carly has been on for the last 2 years are in the red zone.  Prozac, Abilify and the Effexor are all worthless as far as helping her depression.  It is as if she been totally NON medicated.  It was a relief for both of us to hear that. She is so happy to know she has not been crazy when she has told them she doesn't feel any better than she did the day she got there.   She is still majorly depressed.

Hoping and praying that they can now get her some correct medicine and she can see life is worth living.