"It's just weird"
My doctor said that to me twice today. That, along with the phrase, "You are one of the most unluckiest people in the world." is not one you normally hear from your doctor -- but that is what I heard from Dr. Goris today. I had a nerve conduction study today and the large nerve in my leg, which controls foot movement has totally quit working. The doctor thinks it may be an auto immune thing - my body attacking itself. No firm explanation why and it has nothing to do with the previous leg surgery for compartment syndrome. If the nerve had been cut during the surgery, I would have woken up with drop foot -- not develop it six weeks later.
So there is nothing to do but wear the brace and hope that in 3-6 months, it regenerates. If not, at that time, I will have a surgery to transplant a tendon into the foot to control the nerve.
As a side note, the nerve conduction study should have been used as a wartime way to get info from the enemy. I would have told them whatever they wanted to get it to stop. So although I was hoping for a quick fix, it's not looking like that's gonna happen. With that in mind I have ordered what I hope will be a more comfortable, less bulky brace to wear.