Hello there, DCS
So I had another fun time at court today regarding Ryan. The Department of Child Services workers have taken to reading my blog and asked the judge to order me to not write anything about Ryan on my blog. Get a grip, people. It's MY Blog. At this point, he's still legally my child. This is America. I can write whatever I want.
As for Ryan, believe me when I say he has been "protected." You won't find anywhere on this blog that lays out what he did, who he did it to or why he no longer lives here. Or why he never will again.
But hey, if someone wants to marry him some day, then they should certainly be entitled to know a bit about his past and if this is their only avenue to get that information, then I'm glad it's here.
And if he wants to moan about what a horrible childhood he had, well, then that's pretty obviously not true as clearly documented from the past 8 years this blog has been written.
Ryan is where he is because of the things he chose to do, thing he knew better than to do - no excuses will be forthcoming from me for his actions.
Also, because of your nosiness, I will now make my blog private, effectively cutting off Grandma Carla again. I'm sure she thanks you.