Thursday, October 02, 2008

Pressure sores

My dad has developed some sores on his rumpus. Not really pressure sores, but the nurse described them more as "shearing off his skin" - most likely caused by sliding down in the chairs.

The doctors have been using something called Duoderm and Flanders. My mom called last night right after I had fallen into a stupor of sleep. She said someone had suggested making a paste out of Mylanta and _____ and use that. I need help filling in the blank.

I found a couple of websites that suggested this treatment. One mixed Mylanta and Desetin. One mixed Mylanta and cornstarch. One mixed all three of those ingredients.

Seem it works on horses too, if they have a pressure sore from lying down too long after an injury.

If anyone has any ideas of what to try, I'd love to hear them. Thanks.